Collection: Intention Crystal Candles


As individuals, we all seek support to navigate life challenges and discover empowerment and joy. Sometimes, we search externally for answers, yet the truth resides within each of us. This collection is a reminder of our inner wisdom, guiding us on a path of healing and self-discovery.

Burning a candle is one of the most ancient forms of ritual, carrying immense significance. Recognising this, invoke senses has crafted a collection merging the potent energy of crystals with chromotherapy principles. Each candle is infused with designed blends to invoke specific emotions and moods. When combined with your genuine intention, invoke senses Intention Crystal Candles can become a powerful tool for manifestation.

The easiest way to choose a candle is to tune into which area in your life you want to focus, then pick the candle that best resonates with this intention. Alternatively you can let the candle choose you - by scanning through them, using your intuition as a compass.